Twin Runner
- May 30, 2018 by Aditya Pratama#update, #ui, #user interface, #user experience, #ux, #game, #optimizing, #3d, #pc games, #android games, #unity3d, #blender, #lowpolyUPDATE 26 MAY 2018 - UI DESIGN On this update, i've done something like : basic ui design fixing tile generator add player speed for get more option on level difficulty update and optimized tile graph... Continue reading
- May 23, 2018 by Aditya Pratama#devlog, #development, #in development, #mobile game, #pc game, #play store, #android, #casual, #arcade, #endless run, #simple, #low polyUPDATE 21 May 2018 I added 1 more play mode in this update. and also some bug and many more. update list : add Campaign Mode add progress system add gems as collectible. re-configure colliders for obs... Continue reading
- May 18, 2018 by Aditya Pratama#development, #indie, #games, #android, #unity, #blender, #low poly, #endless run, #levels, #twin, #pc games, #android games, #mobile gamesA twin runner is an endless run game with two characters to control. This game will be published on PC and Android. I started this project on 09 April 2018 with creating some prototype. After about o... Continue reading